fatwa Voice
Posted 04/09/2007 23:47
Posted 30/08/2007 00:46
Alhamdulillah...Penampilan IQ kian lama kian membanggakan, walau kemarin di final festival nasyid se-jateng belum dapat juara, tapi minimal sudah masuk 5 besar nasyid musik di Jawa Tengah, disyukuri ya!! Pokoknya latihan terus, terus-terusan latihan...jangan cuman dikit-dikit latihan, dikit-dikit latihan, latihan kok cuman dikit-dikit,he3.....Salam ukhuwah selalu.
di atas nama
Posted 20/08/2007 02:31
Jazaakallah udah di add...semoga silaturrahim & ukhuwah ini terjalin indah..." persahabatan itu laksana tangan dengan mata..saat tangan terluka..mata menangissaat mata menangis..tangan menghapusnya "
Posted 07/08/2007 02:11
walaikumu'salam.wr.wbMakasih jg udah ngasih comment.aku manajer nasyid the sixth sense asal bandung.ok deh ntar klo ada info aku kasih tau.
Posted 08/07/2007 03:54
Robert Frost (1874-1863), American poet. "The Road Not Taken" Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference _______________________________ syukran to be my friend..
Posted 08/06/2007 20:58
uhm... kalau demo-na mo dikirm jg gp2... sapa tau responna pendengar dah bagus..
Posted 03/06/2007 05:49
Sama2..smoga persahabatan tetap terjalin ya...sudah punya album?kirim ke radio kami dunk...
Posted 31/05/2007 01:46
ass. salam kenal...add me ok
Posted 01/05/2007 19:48
Disinilah ku tampatkan semua karya-karyaku dan semua lagu-laguku, tempatku berkrasi dengan musik untuk islam.IQ, selamat Latihan & berkarya !!!
Posted 04/04/2007 20:57
ass..akhi fillah......."istiqomah dlm ibadah sbagai eksistensi manusia berIMTAQ. dtunggu tausiyahny y